Selasa, 02 April 2019


Local-based social media is making a comeback, this time with crypto and augmentedreality. 

Introducing is a platform where people can post comments about other websites and comment tips they like with cryptocurrency. And Tipestry Go is a mobile application for iOS and Android that allows users to leave comments in any physical location. Comments can be placed in the user's current physical location or by selecting a place on the map. Comments can be viewed through a map view, through a list of nearby posts in the selected range, in the section that shows posts popular around the world, or in Augmented Reality. Digital coins are also hidden throughout the world and can be collected through the application.

How to Use the Augmented Reality App Tipestry Go

How to use Tipestry Go to view posts and Wikipedia articles from the map screen, the local screen, and in augmented reality. Also how to place posts at your current location (visible on the local screen and in AR)

Why cryptocurrency?

tal or virtual that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrency is difficult to fake because of this security feature. The distinctive feature of cryptocurrency, and arguably the most attractive attraction, is its organic nature; it is not issued by the central authority, making it theoretically immune from interference or manipulation of the government. 
Cryptocurrency facilitates the transfer of funds between two parties in a transaction; this transfer is facilitated through the use of public and private keys for security purposes. These funds transfers are carried out with minimal processing fees, allowing users to avoid the steep fees charged by most banks and financial institutions for wire transfers.
The anonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions makes them suitable for a number of malicious activities, such as money laundering and tax avoidance. However, supporters of cryptocurrency often value high anonymity. Cryptocurrency is also considered by some economists as short-term trends or speculative bubbles - especially that currency units, such as Bitcoin, are not rooted in any material goods. Bitcoin does experience a number of rapid spikes and collapses in value.
Seeing the potential of cryptocurrency makes Tipestry come up with an idea where this platform will make people able to comment and tip anywhere using cryptocurrency as payment payments. Although some sites display comment sections or message boards, most do not. One of the objectives of this project is to provide more places for people to interact and provide feedback online, including more unknown (or censored) web angles. 

What are some use cases? 

Find out what people say about a particular website. 
Discuss the site where the comments section has been deleted. 
Discuss the topic where there is no clear place to do it
Discuss very specific topics. 
Find and share information about new 
 Tipcoin (TIPC) product releases and Tipestry Token (TIP) 
Tipestry Tokens (TIP) that will be used to purchase a Premium Tipestry account and will give the owner the right to cryptocurrency dividends obtained on the platform in the future. front. 
Tipestry Tokens will be sold in the sale of our tokens to help cover the costs of growth and platform upgrading. 
TIPC and TIP are both ERC-20 tokens.

Tokensale website:
Platform Website:
Tipestry Go on the Web:
ETH Address: 0xa809395b84354d256302D97d5C68AaEE9EF84005

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